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Friday, October 03, 2014

5 great apps for learning to read by Jinny Gudmundsen, Special for USA TODAY

Follow on Twitter as @JinnyGudmunsen
Jinny Gudmundsen writes, "If learning to read is a priority in your house, the following apps can tickle your child's interest in letters, their sounds and how to combine them to form words. By using adorable bugs, birds or trolls within zany adventures, the following apps help to make the process of learning to read interactive and exciting."

Big Bird's Words … A Sesame Street App

Sesame Street, best for ages 4-6, 99 cents, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android

Rating: 3.5 stars (out of 4)

Big Bird takes your child on a treasure hunt to find words in your house. After playing an "Eye-Spy" game in an on-screen grocery store, Big Bird gives the player a list of food words to find, using his "Word-o-Scope" — a fancy name for turning on the camera of the device. Kids scour their own house to find the words using the camera feature. The app magically recognizes the word, sparkles and says it out loud. Currently, the app has only one word list, so a limited number of words is taught.

Why this app excites kids about reading: Kids love using the camera feature to capture words. They become active learners when they hunt for words such as "cereal," and will have to study the word so as to recognize it after running into the kitchen to photograph the word on a box.

Related links  
Noodle Words HD - Action Set 1
Learn with Homer: Reading & Educational Games 
Reading Raven HD  
Wallykazam! Letter and Word Magic

Source: USA Today