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Saturday, August 08, 2015

3 life lessons I learned getting a Ph.D. at MIT

Follow on Twitter as @rishabhmjain
"This answer by Rishabh Jain, who has a Ph.D. from MIT, originally appeared on Quora as an answer to the question: "What life lessons did Ph.D. experiences teach you?"" continues Business Insider.

Students at the MIT campus, where the author attended a Ph.D. program. 
William B. Plowman/Getty Images

Life lessons? After five years of a Ph.D. program, I have learned three things:
  1. Learn from and respect others
  2. Use failure as fuel for success
  3. It's impossible only if it breaks a law of thermodynamics
1. Learn from and respect others 
I went to an elite undergrad business school where part of the education was making you feel good about yourself — effectively to build confidence, but often sacrificing respect for others in the meantime.

When I graduated undergrad, I thought I was pretty clever. After five years of a Ph.D., I have gained a lot of respect for others, especially in fields I previously didn't understand.

Five years of wandering in the unknown means you learn that everyone really does have something to teach you. I am also way more comfortable asking for help now, as I know that expertise is distributed, so it is good to ask for help.

Additional resources
Read the original article on Quora.

Source: Business Insider