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Friday, August 14, 2015

The secret to a great blended learning strategy by Charles Jennings in association with The Open University.

This whitepaper by Charles Jennings in association with The Open University, explores the overlooked factors beyond technology that really make modern blended learning developments successful.

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In the foreword Mike Dutton, Executive Director, The Open University, writes "This white paper by Charles Jennings, a leading thinker and practitioner in learning, development and performance, looks at where technology has brought L&D and considers its potential for now and the future. He looks particularly at blended learning and what needs to change, exploring how learning professionals can increase their skills and understanding to harness technology and expertise in a way that increases the impact, efficiency and return on investment of L&D."

I hope that you find the insights and recommendations in this paper valuable. As an organisation that has both used and led innovations in technology and teaching to deliver learning to individuals and employers for over 40 years, we welcome the opportunity to contribute to the thinking on ways to deliver learning with greater impact.

Technology has a big role to play in most modern learning and development strategies, but the effectiveness, impact and success of these strategies is almost always due to factors beyond technology.
Without robust design principles and capable and experienced professionals who know how to harness the technology and exploit the ‘best’, then technology offers little. Blended learning is a start, but we need to move ‘beyond the blend’.

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Source: TrainingZone