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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

10 Great Resources Every Math Content Writer Can Use | A Pass Education Blog

"The math course writer of generations past might have relied only on old textbooks in developing content, but the math course writer of today has so much more available to assist in creating high-quality content." writes Liz Arcand as below.  

Photo: A Pass Education Blog

With millions of resources just a click away, it is easier than ever to familiarize yourself with math education’s current best practices and tools. Here are 10 resources for every math course writer to explore:
  1.       Common Core State Standards (CCSS) 
Of course, the Common Core standards are one of the most, if not the most, important go-to resource for any math course writer. Standards can be broken down by grade level or domain. Make sure that you’re familiar with the Standards of Mathematical Practice as well.
  1.       Open Education Resources 
While there are many educational search engines available, Open Education Resources is one of the better-stocked and organized sites. Check out their Common Core Hub for a plethora of Common Core–aligned tasks and lesson guides to help inform your content and item writing. They also have a section dedicated solely to the instructional shifts of new standards.
  1.       Illustrative Mathematics 
This website not only breaks down the standards, but links tasks and sample problems to their respective mathematical domains and standards. Each task also includes a commentary about what a student must know/do to supply a proficient response, as well as possible student misconceptions—perfect for course writers who want to see exemplars of how the standards can be assessed.
  1.       Engage NY 
Modules for math courses from pre-kindergarten through high school are available from the New York State Education Department. Not only do they have student and teacher notes, but they also have newly created assessment tasks for each module. A great resource to see continuity across grade levels and how to integrate the Common Core standards into curriculum.
  1.       National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 
NCTM advocated for a universal set of mathematical standards at the national level long before the Common Core standards came along, and has been at the forefront of providing quality math resources and professional development for decades. Although many journals require a subscription to access, there are plenty of free lessons and articles available to search without having a membership.


Source: A Pass Education Blog