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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

39 New Skills You Can Now Learn on LinkedIn Learning | New Courses - The Learning Blog

Each week presents a new opportunity for you and your team to learn the skills necessary to take on the next big challenge, reports Zoë Kelsey, Learning Supporter at LinkedIn. 

Photo:  Learning Blog - LinkedIn Learning
At LinkedIn Learning, we want to do everything we can to help make that happen. Each week, we add to our 14,000+ course library. This past week we added 39 courses. What can you expect from the new additions? 

Whatever your career aspirations may be, from succeeding in your day to day job, to taking your career to the next level, to being an inspiring leader, and nailing all of the moments in between, we’ve got you covered. 

Check out one of the 39 new courses this week from being promotable to Cloud Security, and more, to invest in you and your teams’ careers. 

The new courses now available on LinkedIn Learning are:

Source: LinkedIn Learning