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Friday, September 27, 2019

Learning life skills through music | Life - Journal of the San Juan Islands

While schools across the nation are shuttering the doors to their band rooms, the San Juan Island School District is fortunate to have a funded music program by Reporter Heather Spaulding, The Journal of the San Juan Islands.

“The district has been very generous,” Cart Nelsen. Friday Harbor High and Middle school band teacher said, who has been teaching at Friday Harbor High School for five years. Under his watch, the high school bands have received superior ratings in festivals judged by music professionals.

Last year, the concert band received three superior ratings at the San Juan Music Educator Association Large Group Band Festival, which took place at Western Washington University. The ensemble competed against approximately 30 bands from around the world during that competition...

Bruno noted he believes music is one of the best ways to communicate with the world.

“Creativity is at the helm of any music production, and typically music is the release of pure emotion, oftentimes impacting the listener and musician beyond expectation,” he explained. “Interacting and emotionally connecting to musician can be a seriously rewarding experience that leads to soul felt joy for both musician and the audience.”...

Source: Journal of the San Juan Islands