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Friday, September 20, 2019

Innovative teaching approaches: Virtual reality in the classroom | University - Study International News

Technology continues to play an increasingly important role in both our personal and professional lives, especially as we dive deeper into the Fourth Industrial revolution by Study International News.

Photo: Shutterstock
Just about every industry is immersing itself in technology – including the education sector. Today’s students – or digital natives – have been raised in an environment where the internet and technology has been tightly woven into the fabric of their lives. Despite this, not all education institutions have evolved with the times to embrace digital learning practices that can help facilitate students’ learning.

Teaching tomorrow’s workforce in the digital era can be made more fruitful by tapping into the rise of new technologies, which present universities with a wealth of opportunities to facilitate students’ learning. New technologies encompass different breeds of technology such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), gamification, mobile learning applications and online learning platforms, among others.

As universities play a crucial role in moulding tomorrow’s talents, the application of technology can help universities stay ahead of the curve by not only supporting educators’ teaching and promoting creative enquiry, but also enhancing learning through exposure to advanced technology, making learning more satisfying and engaging than cases of passive classroom learning...

Strong partnerships & 21st century learning experiences 
While innovative technologies present new ways to enhance learning, strong university-industry partnerships benefit the university, the industry and of course, the student. These partnerships expose students to real-world issues and problems.

In a similar vein, Concordia’s partnership with KnowledgeOne also sees them identifying ways to ensure students reap the benefits of these digital learning experiences by understanding ways to enhance students’ self-regulated learning, self-motivation, study skills and technological self-efficacy.
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Source: Study International News