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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Forget Hygge: 2020 is all about Kaizen | Mind & Body - Body and Soul

Big success comes from small steps, as BODY+SOUL reports.

Hygge was nice while it lasted.
Photo: BodyAndSoul
Kaizen, the Japanese wellness philosophy is set to take over the Danish concept of Hygge in 2020.

International wellness words have undoubtedly been the ruling trend de jour for the past few years.

We’ve had the warm embrace of the Danish concept of hygge aka “coziness”, the Swedish lagom of "not too little, not too much", and even the Japanese joy of wabi-sabi which was all about finding beauty in the little things in life.

But what about a wellness philosophy that puts a little fire into our bellies?
Well, step forward Kaizen, the Japanese belief that great success is born from small subtle changes in our lives. The literal translation is “improvement”, with the theory being that all aspects of our life - working, social and home - deserve to be constantly improved...

The problem for us in the Western world, states Sarah Harvey in her newly-released book Kaizen, The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits, One Small Step at a Time, is that we generally love a quickie fix to reach our goals but almost always burn out before hitting them...

So there we have it, Kaizen, the latest trendy lifestyle concept that’s about to dominate 2020. It’s got a bit more meat to it than snuggling up with your favourite blanket in the name of hygge hasn’t it? (Even if that was kind of wonderful for a while).
Read more... 

Recommended Reading

The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits,
One Small Step at a Time

Source: Body and Soul