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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Study sheds light on how online news algorithms can skew your picture of reality | Political Psychology - PsyPost

A news aggregation app is viewed more favorably when it offers politically personalized content to users, but this personalization might reduce attention to high-quality mainstream sources, according to new research from Louisiana State University

Study sheds light on how online news algorithms can skew your picture of reality
The findings were published in Public Opinion Quarterly.

“This study was part of a larger news portal experiment where we manipulated the availability of different types of news content, as well as some interface features of the news website. The effects that we looked at were both attitudinal (whether people think of issues, politicians, and news organizations differently after using the portal for two weeks) and behavioral (whether people click/scroll more when certain content or interface features are present),” explained study author Kirill Bryanov (@KBryanov), who is now a research fellow at the Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg...

The study — like all research — includes some limitations...

The study, “Effects of Partisan Personalization in a News Portal Experiment“, was authored by Kirill Bryanov, Brian K Watson, Raymond J Pingree, and Martina Santia.
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Source: PsyPost