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Friday, December 04, 2020

Are digital learning platforms enough for a student to learn? Here's what experts say | Digital learning - India Today

Raunaq Kakkar, Lawpreneurz - first of its kind digital legal education and services platform argues, While there are a handful which have adapted to the changing methods of learning, majority still stand by the age-old norm of learning and still believe that using technology is limited to having PowerPoint presentations in classrooms.

Are digital learning platforms enough for a student to learn? Here's what experts say
Photo: India Today

Gone are the days when learning was confined to well defined physical spaces, often referred to as classrooms. Today, with the help of technology, one can learn what the heart wants, at their own pace, at their convenient time, all at the click of a button.

The world today has become a classroom with the advent of technology creating educational platforms which sees millions of subscribers on a daily basis, some who use these platforms to complement their conventional classroom learning while others use such platforms to learn a new skill.

While this concept of digital learning has been a norm in the West, India, though a step behind, has significantly caught up and today, we have digital platforms which help kids learn through cartoons to platforms helping students and professionals ace their academic goals.

But the questions still remain - are these digital learning platforms enough for a student to learn? Can technology remove the physical touch of an educator? Can we really change the conventional method of learning?...

Why students should use digital platforms for relearning?

Personally, I am a huge advocate for enabling students to use digital platforms for relearning. As a Founder to one such digital platform, I believe more than constant accessibility, it acts as a convenient source to just sit back and learn. It's nothing short of providing education on a platter.

You don't need to refer multiple books, make notes or do anything as such. All you do is reap the fruits from someone else's labour.

And it is a cost-efficient means to learn. But even with all these factors in favour of a digital learning platform, we still have decision makers who are hesitant in choosing a convenient way over the conventional method of learning. The issue here, lies at the grassroots level - the institutes which provide education.

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Source: India Today