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Wednesday, December 02, 2020

CDEI calls for transparency and guidance on algorithms | Data analytics - Research Live

UK – Government should clarify how the Equalities Act applies to the use of algorithms and how organisations can use data to identify algorithmic bias, according to a review by the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI) by Research Live.

CDEI calls for transparency and guidance on algorithms
Photo: Research Live

In an analysis of the use of algorithms in financial services, local government, policing and recruitment, the CDEI recommended that guidance should be issued to clarify best practice in the collection of data to measure bias, and the lawfulness of bias mitigation techniques such as positive discrimination.

Organisations should also understand the capabilities and limitations of algorithmic tools, and carefully consider how to ensure everyone receives fair treatment when algorithms are in use, the CDEI said.

The review also recommended placing mandatory transparency obligations on all public sector organisations using algorithms, including in how they are used to make decisions and how potential bias is tackled...

The report’s findings are based on evidence from a range of sources, including research from the Royal United Services Institute on data analytics in policing, public polling by Deltapoll on attitudes to AI, semi-structured interviews with companies using algorithmic tools, and an open call for evidence.

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Source: Research Live