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Friday, December 04, 2020

Digital learning in govt higher educational institutions from 2020-21 academic yr | Schools - The Tribune

The Karnataka government on Monday said it has decided to implement Learning Management System (LMS) based digital learning in government higher educational institutions from the 2020-21 academic year by The Tribune.

Picture for representational purpose only.
Photo: The Tribune

'Karnataka LMS' will be implemented in 430 government first grade colleges, 87 government polytechnics and 14 government engineering colleges, an official release said.

This measure will have a progressive impact on the teaching of about 24,000 teachers and learning of about 4.5 lakh students, it added...

Stating that it is a platform to revolutionize the teaching and learning process by effecting transformative changes in delivery of content, access and assessment, the release said it is a comprehensive system which empowers teachers, enriches students and bridges the digital divide.

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Source: The Tribune