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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Future artificial intelligence will happen at the edge | Opinion - IOL

 “Edge computing” has become a buzzword just like “Internet of Things” (IoT) and “cloud computing” in the past. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has tremendously accelerated the adoption of edge computing by Professor Louis CH Fourie, technology strategist.

Photo: IOL

According to the 2021 State of the Edge Report by the Linux Foundation, specifically digital health care, manufacturing, and retail business will increase their use of edge computing in the coming years, pushing enterprise-generated data created and processed outside the cloud from 10% to 75% by 2022....

Edge computing

Edge computing refers to computation and data storage that are located close to where it is needed and is done at or near the source of the data, instead of relying on the centrally located cloud at one of the major data centres to do all the processing work...

Edge artificial intelligence (AI)

Edge computing is a very powerful paradigm shift, but it is even more powerful when combined with AI. Most AI processes are carried out in the cloud and need considerable processing capacity. Edge AI, however, requires very little or even no cloud infrastructure beyond the initial training phase. Edge AI only requires a microprocessor and sensors to process the data and make predictions in real time.

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Source: IOL