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Monday, October 25, 2010

Book alone is not enough. Enriching printed learning material with digital mobile technology

Check out Anu Seisto, Maija Federley, Timo Kuula and Sami Vihavainen's book entitled Book alone is not enough. Enriching printed learning material with digital mobile technology from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.

The book describes what the role of printed school materials will be in the future, and how print and digital could be combined in an attractive way to provide learning material that would be more that just a book and more than just digital material.

The aim of this project was to combine printed and digital learning material in order to enrich and enhance the learning experience, and introduce the created concept to the end-users in primary schools. We proposed a hybrid book concept in which traditional school book was combined with a mobile phone. The chosen subject was English as a foreign language (EFL).

User-centric approach and qualitative methods were used in the design process. The main user groups were teachers, pupils and parents. In addition, WSOYpro bookmakers gave their professional insight into the process. This approach made it possible to take into account the user preferences as well as pedagogical and didactical issues. The inclusion of the teacher in the design process from the very beginning proved to be valuable: The teacher was able to interweave the use of hybrid book into her current teaching practises, culture and curriculum; on the other hand she provided the research group with valuable information, which helped the design of the mobile phone tasks.

Our experiences from the project indicate that the mobile hybrid book is a suitable learning material for primary education. The motivation of teachers and pupils was high, and the attitudes of parents supported the use of hybrid book. The society around us is becoming increasingly digitalized and the schools should follow the change taking place in the society. The printed book is probably not enough anymore, but is not yet disappearing from the schools. The idea of combining the two worlds, printed and digital, was well received.

Hybrid Book combines printed and digital learning materials

Related links
Book alone is not enough (PDF)
Possibilities for Seamless Shifting Between Print and Digital (PDF)
YouTube Channel associated VTTFinland

Source: AlphaGalileo