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Monday, October 25, 2010

Local resident writes book about unusual educational tool by CECILIA NASMITH, NORTHUMBERLAND TODAY

A new age is dawning in education, and Gary Woodill's book The Mobile Learning Edge describes it, with a mobile phone as its vehicle.

Published by McGraw Hill in September, it's not an academic book, not a textbook but a trade book -- or a primer, Woodill said in a recent interview at his Cobourg office.
Its target audience is business people, with the idea that companies can give them a copy and say, "Start here. Read this. Then we'll talk."
The definition of social media is that it involves more than one person, he explained. Mobile is just a delivery platform.

From the horse-and-buggy to wireless technology, the Hamilton Township resident said, "all technologies refer back to previous technologies. Marshall McLuhan said you look at the future through a rear-view mirror.
" The first thing that happens with a new technology is, people start thinking, 'how do you do the same things on the new technology?' But every new technology has a set of things we could never really do before.
"The second wave of any technology is discovering the unique characteristics of it. I am following about 60 learning technologies, and it's amazing how many different things you can teach people or help them teach themselves."

"I’ve just completed my second book project in less than a year, both published by McGraw-Hill. The first book, Training and Collaboration with Virtual Worlds was co-authored with my friend Alex Heiphetz, who continues to develop virtual world sites for major corporate clients.
My newest book, The Mobile Learning Edge, was mostly my writing, but colleagues David Fell and Sheryl Herle each contributed a chapter." writes Gary on his blog.
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Source: Northumberland Today