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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Upcoming Webinar: Connecting Math Instruction to the Real World

Connecting Math Instruction to the Real World

This Webinar will take place on Thursday, February 24th, 2011, 4 p.m. ET.

Too often, math word problems are presented in ways that fail to reflect the real world. Rather than asking a simple question—for instance, how long a trip will take—and encouraging self-discovery, teachers and textbooks tend to lay out all the variables and prescribe each step for finding a solution. This process can overwhelm and, ultimately, alienate math students, who struggle to connect the material to the world around them.

In this webinar, math teacher and ed-tech expert Dan Meyer will demonstrate how educators can do away with "pseudocontext" and "pseudo-problem solving" by implementing a multimedia-based math curriculum. He'll show how to use pictures, videos, and websites to bring classroom math problems to life.
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