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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Reed Learning has launched a free book: 'The Little Book of the Future: A Guide to Collaborative Learning'

Reed Learning, one of the UK's largest providers of corporate training & development, has produced a free guide in collaboration with some of the best known names in learning and development.

Contributors include LinkedIn,, Training Journal magazine, the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies, Campaign for Learning, American Society for Training & Development and former CIPD learning advisor Martyn Sloman. It also includes a case study from the Business Area Manager for L&D at IBM.

Key topics covered include:

- Boosting staff productivity with Google apps
- Self-directed learning
- Collaborating on LinkedIn
- Crowdsourcing knowledge online
- Video learning: a new dimension
- Case study from IBM
- Much more

For a free copy of this book visit
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About Reed Learning

Reed Learning delivers short courses, professional qualifications, in-house programmes and outsourced training services for businesses. In the last 10 years the company has trained over 250,000 people.

People choose Reed Learning for the widest choice of venues and dates, largest pool of quality-assured trainers and guaranteed standards of training delivery.

Their approach to learning extends beyond the classroom, with pre and post course skills audits, free refresher modules, action planning and e-learning at no extra cost. Everything they do is focused on practical training courses that make a visible difference to clients.

Source: Training Press Releases