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Monday, December 24, 2012

DT Deals: Be an iOS app developer with a $29 investment

"Creating an iOS app isn't as hard as you think - just follow this respected guide and you'll be on your way to the App Store. That's today's DT Deals." summarizes .

Photo: Digital Trends
So you think you have the great big idea, but you don’t know how to go about developing it into a mobile app? It’s actually not as hard as you think – as long as you have a trusty guide to help you along the way. Today’s DT Deals is the $29 comprehensive guide to developing an iOS app.
The step-by-step process helps you understand all the bits and pieces involved in creating a mobile product – from technical advice to tips on how to develop business off your brand new app. If you don’t enjoy what you’re learning, there’s even a 30-day money back guarantee.

Plan & Execute your iPad and iPhone App

Plan & Execute your iPad and iPhone App from New Media Projects on Vimeo.

If we’re doing our math correctly, $29 can get you a few hamburgers, a Blu-Ray movie or two, a pair of flip flops, a two-person movie date, or a standard iPhone case. With this investment, $29 might just make you the next big thing in tech. Aren’t you up for that challenge?

Source: Digital Trends