"In their follow-up to Reading Wellness, Jan Burkins and Kim Yaris explore how some traditional scaffolding practices may actually rob students of important learning opportunities and independence. Who’s Doing the Work? suggests ways to make small but powerful adjustments to instruction that hold students accountable for their own learning."
Educators everywhere are concerned about students whose reading development inexplicably plateaus, as well as those who face challenging texts without applying the strategies they’ve been taught. When such problems arise, our instinct is to do more. But when we summarize text before reading or guide students when they encounter difficult words, are we leading them to depend on our support? If we want students to use strategies independently, Jan and Kim believe that we must question the ways our scaffolding is getting in the way.
Table of Contents
- Contents
- Foreword by Joan Moser of "The 2 Sisters"
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction: What Painting, Housework, and Designing Sofas Can Teach Us About Developing Agentive Readers
- Chapter 1: Reading Process: Beginning with the End in Mind
- Chapter 2: Read-Aloud: Giving Students a Reason to Learn to Read
- Chapter 3: Shared Reading: Bridging the Gap Between Read-Aloud and Guided Reading
- Chapter 4: Guided Reading: Reading Practice Under the Teacher's Watchful Eye
- Chapter 5: Indepdendent Reading: Learning to Love to Read
- Chapter 6: Putting It All Together
- References
- Index
Jan Burkins, co-author of Preventing Misguided Reading (IRA, 2010) and Kim Yaris are the writers and thinkers behind Burkins and Yaris -- Think Tank for 21st Century Literacy,
where their blog and their instructional resources have drawn a
national audience and made them thought leaders in the field of literacy
Kim Yaris
Kim Yaris
Kim Yaris and Jan Burkins are the writers and thinkers
behind Burkins and Yaris -- Think Tank for 21st Century Literacy, where
their blog and their instructional resources have drawn a national
audience and made them thought leaders in the field of literacy
Source: Stenhouse Publishers and Education Week
Source: Stenhouse Publishers and Education Week