E-Learning Today: A Review of Research on Hypertext Comprehension
Chadron State College
Chadron, NE USA
Use of hypertext is pervasive in education today—it is used for all online course delivery as well as many stand-alone delivery methods such as educational computer software and compact discs (CDs). This article will review Kintsch’s Construction-Integration and Anderson’s Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational (ACT-R) cognitive architectures and examine how each explains the empirical evidence of comprehension problems related to the use of hypertext systems. This article also discusses design tools based on those two architectures (Cognitive Walkthrough for the Web [CWW] and Scent-Based Navigation and Information Foraging in the ACT [SNIF-ACT] respectively) that can help educational content developers screen their hypertext products for possible comprehension problems prior to its release.
Factors Impeding Implementation of Web-Based Distance Learning
The Federal Polytechnic
Damaturu, Nigeria
Economic and technological changes are occurring at an accelerating rate in our information and communication-based society, making life-long learning for everyone a necessity. This is particularly the case in the transition period from industrial production to a knowledge and communication-based society. The confluence of technology, demographics, and work/family requirements make life-long learning imperative (Berge, 1998). Distance learning is an excellent method of reaching the adult learner. Because of the competing priorities of work, home, and school, adult learners desire a high degree of flexibility. The structure of distance learning gives adults the greatest possible control over the time, place, and pace of education; however, it is not without problems. Loss of student motivation due to the lack of face-to-face contact with teachers and peers, student frustration in learning and training, potentially prohibitive start up costs, and lack of faculty support are all barriers to successful distance learning (Galusha, 1997). This literature review examines some of the thoughts on distance learning and its barriers particularly types that are delivered by way of electronic means.
Source: AACE Journal