Prof teaches classes on an island campus in Second Life
Computer program Second Life allows users to enter a virtual world with a very real economy, and a MUN business prof is putting the popular virtual world to work for him and his class. Spanning over 65,000 acres and home to a population of more than 12 million, Second Life is one of the largest and most popular virtual worlds on the market.
Users just have to pick a name, download the program, and customize their character, which is called an avatar. After that they’re dropped off to terrorize the town, meet some people, or create a business to earn some cash. If you’re feeling really spiffy, you can buy an island or two, like MUN did.
“Memorial University and Distance Education actually have two islands that they have in Second Life,” said MUN business prof Lyle Wetsch. “They’ve built a campus for us on one of the islands.”
Source: The Muse