Read these articles I thought you may find interesting, appears in Vol. 10, Issue 4, 2007 edition of Educational Technology & Society.
The articles giving you an overview of current Scandinavian research in network-based learning.

The folk high school was created for adult people and most often it was carried out in the form of a boarding school. The main ideas behind the folk high school approach were formulated by N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783–1872); a Danish teacher, philosopher and pastor. Grundtvig's pedagogical ideas were focused on learners´ active participation and experimentation during their studies.
More than fifty years later, the first correspondence study institute (Hermods) was created in Malmö, Sweden in 1898. The main idea of Hermods was to provide educational materials and feedback to students by mail. The Hermods institute still exists, although the traditional letter-based courses have been replaced by Internet-based materials. The concepts of learners´ involvement and active participation inspired by Grundtvig´s ideas are still central components in many of the current network-based learning approaches used in Scandinavia.
Design and Use of Collaborative Network Learning Scenarios: The DoCTA Experience
By Barbara Wasson
Dynamic Assessment and the “Interactive Examination”
By Anders Jönsson, Nikos Mattheos, Gunilla Svingby, Rolf Attström
Participation in an Educational Online Learning Community
By Anders D. Olofsson
Framing Work-Integrated e-Learning with Techno-Pedagogical Genres
By Lars Svensson, Christian Östlund
Netlearning and Learning through Networks
By Mikael Wiberg
Anytime, Anywhere Learning Supported by Smart Phones: Experiences and Results from the MUSIS Project
By Marcelo Milrad, Daniel Spikol
Structuring and Regulating Collaborative Learning in Higher Education with Wireless Networks and Mobile Tools
By Sanna Järvelä, Piia Näykki, Jari Laru, Tiina Luokkanen