U.S. educators seek new ideas abroad by Robert L. Jacobson, Senior Editor.
Have other countries found new keys to educational progress that the U.S. has yet to discover?
What lessons might American educators learn about how other countries are using educational technology? And is that even the right question? An eSchool News review of the subject suggests that the answers are not necessarily clear cut.
Related links
Program for International Student Assessment
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
Asia Society
Consortium for School Networking
International Society for Technology in Education
Australia's not-for-profit agency, education.au
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
UNESCO's ICT Competency Standards for Teachers
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
Asia Society
Consortium for School Networking
International Society for Technology in Education
Australia's not-for-profit agency, education.au
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
UNESCO's ICT Competency Standards for Teachers