A New Visual iPad App For Learning Multiplication Tables
Independent developer Esa Helttula has introduced Multiplication Table 1.0, the 15th of his math instruction apps for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad in the popular iDevBooks series. It provides a unique visual way to learn and study the multiplication tables.
The user can explore the multiplication table in four different ways:
Table: Explore the multiplication table in various ways.
Groups: See the multiplications as visualizations.
Multiples: See how each number has an unlimited number of multiples.
Solve: Scramble and solve the multiplication table.
Esa Helttula is an independent developer located in Espoo, Finland. He specializes in apps for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch that help teach math skills. He is formerly an algorithm visualization researcher at the university of Tampere in Finland. Read more...
Hello, my name is Helge Scherlund and I am the Education Editor and Online Educator of this personal weblog and the founder of eLearning • Computer-Mediated Communication Center.
I have an education in the teaching adults and adult learning from Roskilde University, with Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and Human Resource Development (HRD) as specially studied subjects. I am the author of several articles and publications about the use of decision support tools, e-learning and computer-mediated communication. I am a member of The Danish Mathematical Society (DMF), The Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics (DSTS) and an individual member of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). Note: Comments published here are purely my own and do not reflect those of my current or future employers or other organizations.