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Monday, August 20, 2012

Is virtual education any good? by Flavia Cuervo

Florida Virtual School is one of many online alternativeschooling options around the country that have become increasingly popular inrecent years. Most high school students will take at least one virtual classduring their four years in school. In Florida, students are now required totake at least one class online before they graduate.


Although virtual school is a useful option for those who donot have time in their schedule to take the class at school, or those whoseclasses are not offered at school but is it really a tool that can replaceeducation in the class rooms?

Most might say it can because it is efficient andinexpensive. However, there is a conflict among students who take these classesabout whether or not they are effectively teaching them.

“Honestly, it’s a lot of information to digest for a courseyou’re taking without the aid of a physical teacher,” Christopher Romero, asenior in Graphic Design said.
