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Monday, February 01, 2016

Khan Academy launches 'LearnStorm 2016' math challenge

Photo: Doug Petcash
, KTVB  inform, "The state of Idaho is one of only four places selected to take part in an innovative new program that aims to get kids excited about math and improve their skills."

Photo: Paul Boehlke/KTVB

The creator of the Khan Academy free online learning system was in the Treasure Valley Monday to launch a new nine-week math challenge called "LearnStorm 2016."

Third through 12th graders across the state will be able to take part.

Students will use exercises on Khan Academy's website to practice and master math skills. They can also earn hustle points for showing hard work and perseverance.

Founder Sal Khan says it's obviously about learning math, but also about learning how to learn.

"Yes, it's nice to learn how to factor a polynomial, but it's even more important to know how do you deal when you get something wrong. How do you take agency over your learning? How do you build your grit, your perseverance?" said Khan. "That's what I would want from my own children. Yes, it's nice to know the math, but even more important to know how do you pull information, how do you deal with adversity and how do you keep going."

Besides Idaho, "Learnstorm" is being launched in Chicago, the San Francisco Bay Area and the country of Ireland.

Khan explained why Idaho was chosen along with these larger population areas.
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Source: KTVB