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Saturday, November 05, 2016

CONVERSATIONS IN EDUCATION: Best paying college majors | Delco News Network

Part of the college selection process includes selecting a major, a decision that may be based on curiosity, family tradition or passion for a field of study. Choosing a career based on earning potential offers another credible selection criteria, according to Dr. Joe Giampalmi, assistant professor at Rowan University’s Department of Writing Arts.

Allison Berry’s “50 Highest Paying College Majors” ( lists the top 50 highest paying majors. Berry’s list is based on an analysis of 500,000 resumes in the first five years of working that included medium-based salaries and corresponding employee data.

“If college students want to land a high-paying job after graduation, they should strongly consider majoring in science, technology, engineering, or math,” said Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, Glassdoor chief economist.

The top five listed majors with the fifth year medium-based salary are: 1. Computer Science ($70,000)

2. Electrical Engineering ($68,438)

3. Mechanical Engineering ($68,000)

4. Chemical Engineering ($65,000)

5. Industrial Engineering ($64,381).

Majors in the area of business listed in the top half of the list included: 11. Finance ($54,900), 14. Accounting ($52,000), 15. Economics ($52,000), 20. Business ($47,850), 21. International Relations ($45,880) and 23. Marketing ($45,475).


Source: Delco News Network