Answer by Hyrum Anderson, Technical Director of Data Science at Endgame, on Quora:
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As we enter into 2018, what are some of the topics in AI/ML that are mostly hype?
Let me break this down into a few categories.
First, just a general note about how artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been misapplied
generally in the infosec market. While it’s not incorrect to label what
some infosec companies are doing as “Artificial Intelligence”, it’s
certainly imprecise, and one can’t help but wonder whether there’s some
latent hope to impress by sophistication. Let’s all just agree to this:
if we’re talking about an autonomous agent intended to behave and
interact and reason, I’m totally fine labeling that as AI. If we’re
talking about a model trained on data to make predictions, let’s stick
with ML (a subfield of AI). It’s probably the case that 90+% of product
features that companies market as “AI” is actually “narrow AI” and
specifically “ML”, but might be intended to conjure up images of
“general AI” Jarvis or Hal9000. I think this is a disservice to
customers/users, who at this point are sophisticated and intelligent
enough to tell the difference. (Full disclosure: at Endgame, we market
our Artemis intelligent assistant chatbot an AI, because it is an “agent
that behaves/reasons/interacts”. Our next-gen AV features that detect
malware and evil? Machine Learning.)
Next, let me take a kinder view of “overhyped”
AI/ML in the sense that there’s a lot of excitement and buzz, but the
real end-user product implications have yet to emerge, especially in
infosec. In my opinion, it’s important to not dismiss this as compelling
research, but it might require a few more years to move from “cool
research” to “useful product”. In this category of “interesting
research, but hard to pull off reliably at scale”, I’m going to lump in
things I’ve researched and published on: generative adversarial networks
(GANs) for infosec, and reinforcement learning (RL) for infosec. These
are really cool topics that are moving very quickly, but in my
experience, don’t work “right out of the box” for many infosec
applications. (I say this only because of the large number of hours of
my life spent tweaking and fiddling trying to get them to perform as
hoped for infosec problems. With some marginal success.) Generally
speaking, GANs are seeing a ton of research activity with impressive
results—the excitement is totally warranted. Unfortunately, there’s also
been a lack of systematic and objective evaluation metrics in their