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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Making a career change? Get a comprehensive tour of computer science with these online courses | Mashable

"If you thought you missed your chance to major in computer science when you opted for art history in college, there's good news after all" says Mashable.

There are such things as second chances, and thanks to the influx of online learning, gaining a new skill set won't require you to dip into your savings. This Computer Science training is just $39 — that's equivalent to just 4.8 months of Netflix.

134 hours of all things robots and computer tech.
Photo: Pexels
The Computer Science Advancement Bundle features eight classes that will help you make a career in tech, no matter what you do now. Here's a breakdown of each course:

First, learn how to code 
Break Away: Programming And Coding Interviews
Photo: Pexels
A great introduction to tech jobs, this course will walk you through the job interview process for programming and coding careers. The team behind this course has conducted hundreds of interviews at Google and Flipkart, so they know what they're talking about and will give you the heads up on the kind of programming problems that might come up in an interview.

The Fintech Omnibus: Theory and Practice in Python, R, and Excel 
The Fintech Omnibus will walk you through risk modeling, factor analysis, numerical optimization, and linear and logistic regression using real models and examples. You'll learn a ton about value-at-risk, Eigenvalue decomposition, modeling risk with covariance matrices, and the method of least squares...

Get in on Big Data and Machine Learning 
The Big Data Omnibus: Hadoop, Spark, Storm, and QlikView
Photo: Pexels
After these 120 lectures on big data, you'll be able to install Hadoop in different modes, manipulate data in Spark, run a Storm topology in multiple modes, and use the QlikView In-memory data model. Using these tools, you'll glean insights from enormous amounts of data in the way both major and minor corporations do.

Machine Learning and TensorFlow on the Google Cloud 
TensorFlow is an open source software library for machine intelligence. Using TensorFlow and Google Cloud, you'll learn all about neural networks and machine learning principles...  

Get the Computer Science Advancement Bundle now for just $39 — a massive 97% discount off its $1,492 retail price.  

Source: Mashable