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Monday, December 25, 2017

How reading, giving and receiving books can tackle the January blues | iNews - Comment

Photo: Sue Wilkinson
"Christmas is a lovely time of year if you are lucky enough to be well, to have friends and family around you and to feel in control of your life" summarizes Sue Wilkinson, Chief Executive of The Reading Agency.

Photo: Getty

However, for many people it is a time that they dread. As the clocks go back and the nights draw in during the winter, many older people talk about how much more difficult it is to be on your own.

In a recent interview Jacqueline Wilson expressed her concerns about children, too, feeling worried and isolated. But I was heartened by her suggestion in another interview that she hopes her books will reassure children going through a difficult time and “make them feel as if they’re not alone.” 

If reading can, as Jacqueline suggests, provide reassurance and a sense of connection with others, it has never been more important. We are facing a “rising tide of mental health issues among young people”, according to a 2016 survey by the Association of Schools and College Leaders. Reading could be transformative for the 1 in 4 adults who experience mental health issues in their lifetime,the 850,000 people in the UK living with dementia and the 1 in 10 older people who feel isolated and lonely.

Reading boosts wellbeing We always knew that a book could be a great Christmas present, but can it also really be a life changer?...

Giving books Of course, many people face barriers to reading or feel that it isn’t for them, so those of us who do read can play an important role in bringing books into other people’s lives.
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Source: iNews