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Friday, April 13, 2018

Machine learning hand hygiene notifications improve adherence to 100% | Clinical Innovation + Technology

Photo: Cara Livernois
Cara Livernois, News Writer inform, "A machine learning, real-time hand hygiene notification system improved participant adherence to 100 percent, according to a study published April 9 in the Journal of Hospital Infection."

Photo: Clinical Innovation + Technology

In this study, researchers examined the feasibility and impact of a real-time machine learning system that provided hand hygiene notifications.

“Hand hygiene is widely recognized as the most effective way to reduce the transmission of healthcare-associated infections,” wrote first author Roel Geilleit and colleagues. “Hand hygiene compliance needs to be monitored to assess changes in performance over time. However, mainly due to limitations with the monitoring, it is difficult to obtain high quality evidence on the effectiveness of hand hygiene interventions. Direct, discreet observation of hand hygiene compliance is considered the gold standard. However, less than 1.5 percent of all hand hygiene opportunities are observed in practice because of the high demands on manpower resources.”

Researchers developed an infrared-guided sensor system to notify clinicians to perform hand hygiene before meeting with patients.
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Source: Clinical Innovation + Technology