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Monday, June 10, 2019

Useful Math Website | Artful Maths

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Check out this website by Clarissa Grandi, who combines Maths with Art.

On her website, Artful Maths, author Clarissa Grandi writes, "Here you will find fully-resourced mathematical art lessons as well as displays I have created to brighten up my classroom and support my students' learning. I have archived my modular origami projects here, and offer some advice on using origami in lessons or setting up origami clubs.  And there is also a page where I recommend some of the beautifully elegant logic and visuo-spatial iOS puzzle games I have happened upon and enjoyed." 

Finally, all my own work is licensed under the Creative Commons. Please use freely (including tweaking and editing for your own teaching needs) and share alike, with attribution.

Source: Artful Maths - Clarissa Grandi