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Sunday, February 02, 2020

Books about life in the Anthropocene | Climate Science - Yale Climate Connections

Michael Svoboda, Author at Yale Climate Connections summarizes, Human beings are a dominating force in this geological era. These books examine what that means.
Photo: NASA
New years that end in zeros often prompt longer-range reflections. Not just “What does the New Year hold?” but “What might the new decade bring?” (as with 2020) or even “What should we hope for in the new century or new millennium?” (as happened with 2000).

And when that turn in the calendar coincides with unprecedented and catastrophic wildfires, such as those having ravaged large parts of Australia, then an even more foreboding question might be asked: In what new age are we living?

The titles selected for this month’s bookshelf provide several different answers to this last question, but all agree that the name of this new age is the Anthropocene, the geological age in which humans are leaving the most indelible marks on the planet.

It has been three years since Yale Climate Connections’ first bookshelf on the Anthropocene.

Source: Yale Climate Connections