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Saturday, February 01, 2020

STEM class makes music by adding Art | Education - WSIL TV

Joe Rehana and Victoria Idoni, Authors at WSIL says, It's easy to imagine a high school art student bringing home a water color, or even ceramic art, but what about a musical instrument?

Monitor GFX
Photo: WSIL TV
Cobden High School created a new STEM program to do just that, but in a twist, they call it, “STEAM.”

"It's STEM guitar building. I like to refer to it as ‘STEAM’ guitar building because I'm an art teacher, and to me, there's nothing more artistic than building a guitar,” said Cobden Art instructor Jeremy Crawford, noting the addition of "A" to the traditional STEM acronym.

Nine high school seniors are enrolled in his Science-Technology-Engineering- ART-and Math class.

"Aside from the art aspect, it's definitely science, technology, engineering and math,” said Crawford. 

“I had to go back and learn some math to actually teach this too; so, they're learning all those skills, they're learning hands-on skills they might not get otherwise."...

The students choose their shapes and colors and then let the construction process begin.
"I really like purple, and I thought it probably would make a really cool after effect with the black with it."

Source: WSIL TV