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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

UHV faculty members publish book about math through magical concepts | Press Releases - University of Houston-Victoria

Area students and teachers who have attended the University of Houston-Victoria’s annual Math Robotics Awareness Day know Ricardo Teixeira, a UHV associate professor of mathematics, always has a trick up his sleeve. 

A Magical Journey Through Advanced Mathematics - Connecting More Than 60 Magic Tricks to High-level Math
Teixeira enjoys showing those who attend the annual event and others how mathematical equations can be used to perform magic tricks. Now, area residents can learn the tricks and the math behind the illusions through the book “Mathemagics: A Magical Journey through Advanced Mathematics” by Teixeira and Jang Woo Park, a UHV assistant mathematics professor. The book recently was published by World Scientific Publishing.
“We are both really proud of this book,” Teixeira said. “World Scientific Publishing is a prestigious company, and it is exciting to have this book published and hopefully rekindle students’ excitement for math.”

Mathemagics: A Magical Journey through Advanced Mathematics” presents more than 60 different magic tricks while introducing readers to higher-level math, such as linear algebra, number theory and numerical analysis. This book is geared toward advanced high school students and college students...

Each chapter also has a list of exercises with about 30 questions so that the reader can test his understanding and knowledge. A mathematics professor also could use the book in a classroom or a seminar course to help open students’ minds to different areas of math, Teixeira said. 
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Source: UHV Newsroom