Just look at this interesting article, appears in the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) 2007, 23(3), 327-349.
Lecturers' attitudes about the use of learning management systems in engineering education: A Swedish case study
By Ramon Garrote and Tomas Pettersson
University College of Borås, Sweden
The purpose of this study was to examine lecturers' attitudes towards learning management systems (LMS), with particular reference to identifying obstacles to increased use. At the University College of Borås, Sweden, 22 lecturers who had used WebCT during the previous 9 months were interviewed. The answers show that most of the lecturers, including those who only used minor parts of the LMS, believed that they could benefit from using a LMS in the future. The study did not support the hypothesis that fear of the complexity of the system or unwanted effects on education are important reasons for lecturers not to use the LMS. When lecturers decide individually to use tools in the LMS, the major concern is the initial amount of work compared with the expected benefits. Due to the benefits of a fully implemented LMS and the results of this study, it is recommended that institutions in higher education take actions to establish LMS as a standard tool, and support development of the lecturers' professional competence.
Source: Distance-Educator.com