This is the first issue of a new "International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies" (iJIM), Vol 1, No 1 (2007).
The objective of the journal is to publish and discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of interactive mobile technologies in learning and teaching as well as in industrial and other applications.
The journal aims to bridge the gap between pure academic research and more practical publications. So it covers the full range from research, application development to experience reports and product descriptions.

The journal aims to bridge the gap between pure academic research and more practical publications. So it covers the full range from research, application development to experience reports and product descriptions.
The premiere issue includes this interesting line-up:
- Web-based Context-Aware m-Learning Architecture
By Eisa Basaeed, Jawad Berri, Jamal Zemerly, Rachid Benlamri - Contextual Mobile Learning: A Step Further to Mastering Professional Appliances
By Bertrand T David, René Chalon, Olivier Champalle, Guillaume Masserey, Chuantao Yin - An Approach to Ad-hoc Messaging Networks Using Time Shifted Propagation
By Christoph Fuchß, Stefan Stieglitz, Oliver Hillmann, Christoph Lattemann - Evaluation Methods on Usability of M-Learning Environments
By Teresa Magal-Royo, G. Peris-Fajarnes, I. Tortajada Montañana, B. Defez Garcia - Mobile e-learning course scenario model on PDA
By Jeanne Schreurs - Potentials and Challenges of Mobile Media in Museums
By Daniel Wessel, Eva Mayr - Factors that may contribute to the establishment of mobile learning in institutions – Results from a Survey
By Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Tom Brown, Rhena Delport