I like the concept of a classroom being on a continuum as a learning community: from opaque, to semi-permeable, to permeable.
This conception of a classroom and a learning community is immediately challenging to a "traditional" paradigm of School, since it acknowledges that members of the learning community can and SHOULD include people who are not physically present during the regular class meeting time.
These members can include:
- Students in other classes.
- Teachers in other classes.Parents accessing student and classroom websites from home and/or work.
- Guest speakers and content 'experts' invited into the learning environment via live audio or videoconferences, asynchronously recorded and shared audio or video podcasts, digital photos, or digital texts.
- School administrators and board members invited to participate in classroom conversations.
- Other community members, or interested parties participating in classroom conversations via blog, podcast, or digital story comments shared in textual, audio or video formats.
Source: Techlearning blog
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