Just look at these interesting articles, appears in the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) 2008, 24(1).

Academic and student use of a learning management system: Implications for quality
Debbi Weaver, Swinburne University of Technology, Christine Spratt and Chenicheri Sid Nair, Monash University
Debbi Weaver, Swinburne University of Technology, Christine Spratt and Chenicheri Sid Nair, Monash University
Many higher education institutions have implemented a learning management system (LMS) to manage online learning and teaching, with varying levels of support provided to staff and students, but often there is little subsequent investigation into the quality of the online sites or the use made of the support structures provided. This paper presents findings from an institutional survey investigating the use of WebCT by academic staff and students in their learning and teaching at a large Australian university.
Prerequisites for interactive learning in distance education: Perspectives from Swedish students
Berit Östlund
Berit Östlund
Umeå University, Sweden
This article investigates distance students' understanding of the prerequisites for interactive learning in asynchronous, computer mediated university distance studies. It encompasses students' attitudes to structure, dialogue and autonomy, and their experience of social presence and what they consider interaction with peer learners signifies for their learning. The data were collected from an undergraduate and a masters course within the teacher training distance program, using questionnaires, interviews, diaries and analysis of students' contributions in FirstClass and WebBoard respectively.
Postgraduate students' knowledge construction during asynchronous computer conferences in a blended learning environment: A Malaysian experience
Hong Kian-Sam and Julia Ai Cheng Lee
Hong Kian-Sam and Julia Ai Cheng Lee
Blended learning, using e-learning tools to supplement existing on campus learning, often incorporates asynchronous computer conferencing as a means of augmenting knowledge construction among students. This case study reports findings about levels of knowledge construction amongst adult postgraduate students in six asynchronous computer conferences in a blended learning environment. The aim is to document and understand the kinds of task related postings in asynchronous computer conferencing that foster knowledge construction.