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TCEA attendees learn how 'high-tech scavenger hunts' can benefit their students
By Laura Devaney, Associate Editor
You might not expect to see groups of educators running from place to place in downtown Austin, but that's exactly what passersby saw Feb. 7 as attendees of the Texas Computer Education Association's annual conference participated in "geocaching"--an outdoor scavenger hunt in which enthusiasts across the planet use handheld global positioning system (GPS) devices to locate hidden outdoor objects.
Educators can use "geocaching" in lessons on satellites, latitude and longitude, mapping, distance, and problem solving, as well as collaboration.
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Site of the Week

CoSN launches technology leadership wiki for small school districts
The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) has created a new online resource designed to help technology leaders in small school districts. Called the Small School District Technology Leadership wiki, the site allows users not only to learn from there sources provided by CoSN and other sources, but also to contribute to the site by adding their own best practices, tips, strategies, case studies, and resources.
Source: eSchool News