Just to let you know that these three papers, appears in The Journal of Educators Online, Volume 5, Number 1, January 2008, representing the areas of online equivalency, student withdrawals and strategic change, all written in an easy to read style you will find useful.
- Ruth Lapsley, Brian Kulik, Rex Moody, and J. B. (Ben) Arbaugh’s Is Identical Really Identical? An Investigation of Equivalency Theory and Online Learning report no course delivery effect for a human resource management course on student performance. Ruth, Brian, Rex and Ben highlight some related issues such as support for higher for online class prices.
- Beth Perry, Jeannette Bowman, Dean Care, Margaret Edwards, and Caroline L. Park’s Why Do Students Withdraw from Online Graduate Nursing and Health Studies Education? identify classic personal and program factors causing withdrawal. Beth, Jeannette, Dean, Margaret and Caroline encourage early intervention by getting to know at-risk students and to view attrition in a positive light assisting with student career choice.
- Cynthia C. Roberts’ Technology in Higher Education: A Strategic Approach applied a strategic change process to implement a shift to online courses. Cynthia reports a successful outcome mitigated with additional time and availability burdens on faculty.