James L Morrison, Editor-in-Chief, Innovate has been in touch to reminds us about the following below.
The articles in the February/March 2008 issue, guest edited by Cathy Gunnand and Susan Patrick, offer a range of studies that contribute to an evidence-based framework to sustain further innovation in online teaching and learning. Innovate-Live webcasts, produced by our partner, ULiveandLearn, allow you to synchronously interact with authors on the topics of their articles.
In the first article of this issue, Susan Lowes focuses on the"trans-classroom" teacher who works in both face-to-face and online classrooms, and attempts to track how such teachers make shifts in ideas, strategies, and practices that constrain or improve their practice in either venue.
[See http://innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=446&action=article] Her webcast is scheduled for March 26 at 3:00 PM EST.
Rayenne Dekhinet, Keith Topping, David Duran, and Silvia Blanch studied a primary school program that linked English-speaking learners of Spanish with Spanish-speaking learners of English. Their study provides insight on how Internet technology can be leveraged to enhance language learning.
[See http://innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=479&action=article]. Their webcast is schedule for March 26 at 11:00 AM EST.
To what degree do online learning environments sustain high levels of engagement in students? Pu-Shih Daniel Chen, Robert Gonyea, and George Kuh discuss the implications of their study of the engagement of distance learners versus their campus-based counterparts at U.S.four-year, degree-granting colleges and universities.
[See http://innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=438&action=article]. Their webcast is schedule for March 26 at 2:00 PM EST.
Julie Foertsch and Morton Ann Gernsbacher describe the principles of effective education and evaluate their value for online instruction by assessing an online course on autism against each of the principles.
[See http://innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=434&action=article]. Their webcast is scheduled for February 22 at 2:00 PM EST.
Len Annetta, Marta Klesath, and Shawn Holmes describe virtual learning environments and the use of avatars to foster social presence in these environments as they examine how gaming and avatars are engaging online students.
[See http://innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=485&action=article]. Their webcast is scheduled for February 19 at 1:00 PM EST.
Next, Lydia Arnold examines the learning concepts incorporated in an online bachelor's degree focused on experiential learning and examines the benefits and challenges integrating learning into the student's workplace in order to improve student engagement.
[See http://innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=494&action=article]. Her webcast is scheduled for February 19 at 11:00 AM EST.
We end the issue with a new feature for Innovate: Reid Cornwell's multimedia interview column titled Perspectives. This month's entry features a discussion with Tony Gardner-Medwin about certainty-based marking, a computer-based assessment system that scores answers to objective questions based both on the correctness of the answer and on the student's assessment of his or her certainty that the answer is correct.
[See http://innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=552&action=article]. Their webcast is scheduled for February 19 at 12:00 PM EST.
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