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Monday, November 22, 2010

Free Webinar: Blending Traditional and Online Learning 101

Blending Traditional and Online Learning 101: Best Practices to Get Your School Started

Date: December 9, 2010
Time: 2:00 pm EST / 11:00 am PST
Duration: One hour

Today, the blending of traditional classroom instruction with online learning is bridging the achievement gap and marking the biggest single shift in public education in more than 100 years. Innovative public schools are opting for blended or hybrid classroom environments, with 70% of learning taking place in a traditional brick-and-mortar setting and the remaining 30% of learning happening online.
Hybrid models offer a powerful mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning styles, enabling students to master core content online while deepening critical thinking, problem solving and application of content mastery in a face-to-face setting. Blended or hybrid learning models not only make pedagogical sense, they also make financial sense.

This presentation, presented by Aventa Learning/K12, Inc. in partnership with the Santa Clara County of Education, will offer real-world examples of how schools can successfully incorporate a hybrid model.

Attendees will gain a better understanding of why a blended learning model:

- Successfully attracts and/or retains students and teachers
- Builds a broader range of engaging and rigorous courses and instructors
- Provides financial and educational benefits
- Adds a customized, online learning solution to your culture
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