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Monday, September 19, 2011

One Stop Teaching and Learning: Using the McGraw-Hill Blackboard building block in online and hybrid teaching.

Blackboard and McGraw-Hill is pleased to invite you to the following webinar.

One Stop Teaching and Learning: Using the McGraw-Hill Blackboard building block in online and hybrid teaching.

Thursday, October 6 at 2 p.m. Eastern

The evolution of mobile and digital technology has reached its next milestone within education - interactive, digital content - only a few, simple clicks away.

Recent data shows that Amazon sold more eBooks than printed. And, the increasing popularity of smart devices and mobile tablets (iPads) enables quick and effortless mobile consumption of content. The confluence of these technologies with education has led educators to the next frontier in how they use technology in the classrooms. McGraw-Hill's Blackboard building block allows educators to pull content - eTexts, video, labeling exercises, and more - from proven learning object repositories directly into their courses with just two or three clicks.
During this insightful webinar, current users of the deepest integration between publisher content and a learning management system will share their best practices and user experiences.

Plus, take a look inside Blackboard and McGraw-Hill's live integrated solution. The solution makes McGraw-Hill Connect ®, a leading homework management online learning, assignment and assessment system in the publishing industry, and McGraw-Hill Create™, a tool to create custom textbooks and eBooks, accessible from within the Blackboard LearnTM Platform. It represents the deepest, state-of-the-art integration of publisher content within a learning management system to date.

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