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Thursday, August 24, 2017

The long and distinguished career of Sir Isaac Newton | - Science and Technology

One of the first physicists of note, Sir Isaac Newton had a long and distinguished scientific career that has shaped and affected several science fields up until today, inform Gary Long (pen), writing contributor for, he specializes in science and technology related news. 

Photo: Isaac Newton
Born in England in 1642, Newton is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and a key figure in the scientific revolution. Known namely for his work as a physicist – which at the time was known as natural philosophy – Newton’s “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” laid the groundworks for classical mechanics.

Newtons Telescope Replica, source;, author; Solipsist (Andrew Dunn)

Additionally, “The Principles” also helped formulate the laws of motion and universal gravitation, whilst he himself made several breakthroughs in related fields on a range of subjects including but not limited to: space physics, tides, equinoxes and gravity. A true savant, Newton also built the first telescope which in turn led him to observe optical discrepancies off which he developed a sophisticated theory based off of spectrum-visible colours and how they interact. This was the topic of another book, “Opticks”, which was also received with quite a bit of success.

Apart from his work on physics, astrophysics and optics, Newton was also a renowned mathematician, and made several interesting forays into the field which yielded new materials – especially in calculus. It was famously said at the time that Sir Isaac’s work “distinctly advanced every branch of mathematics then studied”. As such and unbeknownst to many, Newton’s mathematical studies are still being taught today, with his  vast contributions to the study of power series, binomial theorems, functions and cubic plane curves still a part of high school maths curriculum and engineering textbooks.
