Blended learning is viewed as having better outcomes than both traditional face-to-face instruction and e-learning alone.
According to a survey Brandon Hall Research conducted in March of this year of more than 150 learning professionals, the overwhelming majority of respondents indicated that they believed that a blended learning strategy produced better learning outcomes than either face-to-face training alone or e-learning alone.
Blended Learning — Learning Outcomes vs. Face-to-Face
Blended Learning - Learning Outcomes vs. E-Learning

As mentioned earlier in another post, The Real Story: Blended Learning, provides the definitive analysis you need to create and optimize an effective blended learning strategy. This report examines:

- The instructional design implications of blended learning
- The benefits that new Web 2.0 technologies can provide to blended learning
- What learners prefer in terms of training modalities
- The role of learning management systems in blended learning implementations
- And much more
This report is also available through a subscription to the Brandon Hall Research Library
Related link
The Real Story: Blended Learning.
Source: Brandon Hall Research