A case study of Fountaineers: designing an interactive, programmable water fountain
By Tash Lee and Tim Rudd

Source: Futurelab
Facebook, Meet Blackboard by Andy Guess

The Facebook app mainly replicates the functionality of colleges’ (and high schools’) Blackboard sites, where students can log in, download course materials, post to message boards, upload assignments and check grades. Rather than add social networking functionality to the existing interface, Blackboard’s strategy is to bring its services where the students already are and capitalize on Facebook’s ubiquity and collaboration capabilities.
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Source: Inside Higher Ed
Free online games help reinforce math and language skills
Arcademic Skill Builders is a nonprofit web site that features online educational games offering a new approach to learning basic math, language arts, vocabulary, and thinking skills. Inspired by arcade games and the intense engagement they foster between the game and player, the site's programs stem from experience, systematic observations, and research in understanding student learning in school and social situations. "These engaging educational games provide focused repetition practice that enables fluency to be achieved more quickly," according to the site.
Source: eSchool News
Global Wildlife Disease News Map

How does one populate an interactive map of wildlife disease? Well, the good people at the Wildlife Disease Information Node (WDIN) have done just that by combing through RSS alerts, science sites and weblogs in order to create this fascinating and tremendously useful resource for population biologists and others who might be interested in such matters. On the map, visitors can toggle map filters that include "Wildfire", "Human/Wildlife", "Domestic/Wildlife", and "Disease Type".
Source: Internet Scout Project
21st Century Learning: Making Technology Relevant in Today's Classrooms
By Fred Podolski
By Fred Podolski

Source: T.H.E. Journal