The May/June 2008 EDUCAUSE Review is now available online. It features a summary of the 2008 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Survey findings.
Top-Ten IT Issues, 2008
By Debra H. Allison, Peter B. DeBlois and the 2008 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee

Which IT issue is of top concern to technology leaders in higher education today? Did the number-one issue of 2007—Funding IT—continue to be of prime importance to college and university IT leaders? Did new issues emerge on the top-ten list? Did issues from last year drop off the list this year?
The ninth annual EDUCAUSE Current Issues Survey has the answers.
The ninth annual EDUCAUSE Current Issues Survey has the answers.
The summer 2008 EDUCAUSE Quarterly spotlights the complete findings of the 2008 EDUCAUSE Current IT Issues Survey.

Current Issues Survey Report, 2008
By Debra H. Allison, Peter B. DeBlois and the EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee
Security and ERP Systems are numbers 1 and 2; Infrastructure rises; Change Management, E-Learning, and Staffing move into top ten
Read the complete findingsToolbox or Trap? Course Management Systems and Pedagogy
By Lisa M. Lane
Creating an online class is a task of construction. A course management system (CMS) provides faculty with a set of tools, a kit to use as we build our classes. We want to construct classes according to our own pedagogy—what we know works with our learners and our teaching style. If we were building something tangible out of wood or metal, for instance, it would be silly let the tools in our toolbox determine what we construct and how we construct it. I wouldn't set out to build a Victorian dollhouse and switch to a modernist garden bench because I couldn't find the scroll saw. And yet this type of shift often happens when faculty encounter a CMS.
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