The theme of the conference is “Get Your Head in the Clouds”. Innovations like tag clouds and information clouds describe the fluid nature of the world in which we now live.
- Track 1 – Emerging Learning Technologies
- Track 2 – Learning Games
- Track 3 – Immersive Environments for Learning
- Track 4 – Collaboration and Community
- Track 5 – Mobile Learning
- Track 6 – Designing Learning Experiences
- Track 7 – Implementing Innovative Solutions
- Track 8 – New Training Practices
Keynote speakers for the 2008 conference:
LANCE DUBLIN — a recognized leader in applying strategic thinking and design to the worlds of training and learning, change management and communications, innovation and organizational development.
LISA JOHNSON — an award-winning expert on women and the Connected Generation who uses stories, industry case studies and humor to help brands deeply understand the buying power and behavior of this renegade group of consumers.
FAITH LEGENDRE — who, as Training Director, transformed 1800flowers.com from an organization with no formal training strategy to a company that has made learning central to its values.
PETER ORTON — who combines two decades of instructional design experience at Stanford University, Harvard Business School, and IBM — with ten years of Hollywood credits, including Story Editor for Steven Spielberg — to lead the creation of IBM’s important and lasting learning innovations.
Source: brandonhallconference.com/