Here are some news below:
New wireless ‘n’ networks to transform college campuses this year
By Dennis Carter, Assistant Editor, eSchool News
Colleges and universities nationwide are launching the newest generation of Wi-Fi networks even before a final version of the standard has been ratified—a move technology experts say could allow schools to do away with wired networks in the coming years.
While the IEEE, the standard-setting body for networking equipment, is expected to ratify the 802.11n Wi-Fi technology standard within the next year, higher education is getting a jump-start—phasing in the technology this spring and providing faculty and students with a faster, more reliable wireless internet connection.
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Site of the Week
Shareology provides an online community for educators to exchange ideas

At Shareology.org, a web site managed by the nonprofit Nicholas Foundation, educators can exchange best practices, review new technologies, post feedback on their innovations, learn from each other's experiences, and find resources to help them succeed in the classroom. After registering (which is free), educators will find ideas for K-12 instruction, funding sources for projects, and information about technology products and services. The site also includes a Podcasting Corner, which features samples of how students are using podcasts and gives educators ideas for how to use podcasting in their own lessons.
Source: eSchool News